Tuesday, October 14, 2014

New Frozen Theory: Elsa's "Other" Power

So the other day while I was watching Frozen for the 800th time, a thought came across my mind. Once this theory was in my head I had to run to my roommate's room to explain my theory, and even she agreed it sounded quite plausible. I think it's 150% safe to say that everyone would agree that Elsa has magical powers. But what most people may not pick up on, is that fact that she may have a second magical power.
My theory here is that, in addition to her obvious snow and ice manipulation ability, Elsa is also clairvoyant. 
So here is my reasoning behind this theory. Any time something bad is about to happen in Frozen, Elsa always tries to prevent whatever it is before anyone else has any idea something is about to happen. To start with, at the beginning of the movie when Anna wakes Elsa up to play, Elsa tries to turn Anna away by telling her to go back to sleep. My theory behind this is that Elsa had a bad feeling about what could happen when the two sisters played with Elsa's powers without adult supervision. And then wouldn't you know that after Anna convinces Elsa to build a snowman with her that Elsa ends up accidentally striking Anna with her powers.
Elsa trying to turn Anna away as children.
Elsa was clearly trying to protect Anna, because she knew something bad would happen. After the accident, Elsa hid herself away in her room to prevent another accident from happening, because she knew something bad would happen again if she was near Anna while her powers were still uncontrolled.
Elsa telling Anna to go away during "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?"
Even once she runs away, Elsa is still trying to make Anna keep her distance, because she knew she would end up hurting her younger sister again. Elsa tells Anna to leave during "For the First Time in Forever Reprise", which leads up to Elsa accidentally striking Anna again with her powers after receiving the shocking news about how she accidentally created an eternal winter everywhere.
 Elsa unsuccessfully tried to make Anna leave before she could hurt her, which leads her to create the giant snow monster, Marshmallow, to force Anna to leave so that she wouldn't be able to hurt her any further than she already had.
Marshmallow forcing Anna, Kristoff, and Olaf out of the castle.
I also need to point out how worried Elsa was about her parents going on their two week journey in the beginning of the movie. Everyone assumes that this worry was due to Elsa being so self conscious and terrified of her own uncontrolled powers, a theory also shared by Anna and Elsa's parents who respond to Elsa's comment of, "Do you have to go?" with, "You'll be fine, Elsa." Elsa wasn't worried about not being able to control her powers for two weeks by herself, Elsa was worried about the safety of her parents, again due to a bad feeling she no doubt had about their journey. 
Elsa's conversation with her parents about them leaving.
Finally, and almost most importantly, was Elsa's gut instinct about Hans. Upon being told of Anna and Hans' engagement, Elsa would not bless the marriage and told Anna that she could not marry a man she had just met. While everyone sees this as Disney's attempt of making up for their previous princess movies in which the main heroine falls in love with a man she just met, I believe Elsa had a bad feeling about Hans from the beginning, causing her to disapprove of the marriage. Elsa would have no doubt witnessed Anna and Hans spending time together at least once or twice during the party after her coronation, which would have shown her how well the two were getting along. Also, it is not uncommon for young royals to enter into arranged marriages without having even met the person in which they'd be marrying. I can tell you with complete certainty that Anna and Elsa's parents wouldn't have disapproved of Anna and Hans' engagement the way that Elsa did, because this was considered very much the norm of young royalty for the longest time, especially since up until recently princesses were only to marry princes. Due to all these facts, I can only assume that Elsa's clear disapproval of the two young "lovers" engagement was that she knew it wouldn't end well. Elsa even wanted to talk to Anna in private to discuss this further with her, but Anna refused. I'm sure that if Anna had taken the few minutes to talk to Elsa in private that Elsa would have explained her reservations about Hans.
Elsa disapproving of Anna and Hans' engagement.
I also feel the need to point out that Elsa did not show any disapproval or reservations about Kristoff. The first time Elsa met Kristoff it was brief and when he was only a friend of Anna's for the past day. The second time she met him was at the end of the movie when he was clearly a love interest after Anna had only known him for two days, yet Elsa did not disapprove. In fact, Elsa made Kristoff and Sven the "Official Arendelle Ice Master and Deliverer" and even approved of Anna buying them a brand new, state of the art sled, as well as a brand new lute, since Kristoff's old one was broken while trying to outrun wolves earlier in the movie.
Anna's gift to Kristoff: a brand new sled and lute. 
Elsa didn't disapprove of Kristoff, because she had no reason to do so. Kristoff didn't turn out to be a complete jerk the way that Hans did, causing Elsa to not have any bad feelings about him or reason to forbid the relationship.
I may be thinking too much into this, but I totally believe this theory is 100% plausible.
Thanks for reading.