Thursday, November 21, 2013

25 Ways To Know A Guy Doesn't Like You

 1. If a guy tells you he misses you, but only talks to you at his convenience and ignores you when it’s not (sometimes for days at a time):
   ~ He doesn’t actually miss you... 

2. If a guy tells you he cares about you, but tells you how many girls he’s slept with in the past few weeks when you didn’t ask and it didn’t fit the context:
   ~ He probably only wants to sleep with you too... 

3. If a guy comes to you out of the blue with his problems and tells you that he loves how you’re always there for him even when no one else is, yet he is never willing to be there when you have problems and need him to be there:
   ~ He’s selfishly taking advantage of your kindness... 

4. If a guy tells you he’s too busy to talk because he’s spending time with his family or doing homework or playing video games, yet he tweets lyrics to Bruno Mars “Just the Way You Are” or any other love song:
   ~ He lied and was with the girl he’d gladly choose over you... 

5. If a guy tries to put off making definite plans until the day gets closer and never follows up on them or tries to suggest that some time in the coming months would be a better time to make plans because he’s so busy right now, but he hangs out with all of his other friends practically on a daily basis and every time he’s not he’s playing video games:
   ~ He’s not busy he just doesn’t want to hang out with you... 

6. If a guy takes a bunch of cute pictures with you when you’re hanging out, but refuses to let you post them on Facebook because his mom would ask a bunch of annoying questions, his buddies would make fun of him, he’s not ready to take things to that level yet, etc.:
   ~ He doesn’t want other girls to see that he’s “involved” with you... 

7. If a guy forgives you when you make little mistakes, but then has a complete temper tantrum for any other mistakes you make and blames you for every mistake (big or small) that he makes:
   ~ He was trying to pick a fight to have an excuse to not talk to you... 

8. If, while you’re hanging out with him, a guy agrees to plans you suggest, yet forgets about them and makes other plans or stands you up without any sort of explanation, even if he apologizes for it days later:
   ~ He didn’t want to hang out with you... 

9. If a guy tells you the reason he never texts you back while he’s hanging out with his other friends (especially the female ones) is because he doesn’t want to be rude to them or he just takes hours to respond to your texts in general, yet he is constantly on his phone when you’re with him:
   ~ He’s lying and doesn’t want his friends to know about you... 

10. If a guy loves to tease you and be a sarcastic smart ass toward you, yet he flips out any time you try to playfully tease him or be a smart ass in return:
   ~ He’s a hypocritical jerk and is using his sense of humor to hide the fact he’s telling you all the things he can’t stand about you directly... 

11. If a guy gets mad at you for tagging him in a post on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram etc., yet he has no problem with any other girls doing the exact same thing:
   ~ He doesn't want other girls to know about you... 

12. If a guy gives you any sort of explanation for why he cannot date anyone for the next few years:
   ~ He's just setting up a time frame he knows you won't wait around for... 

13. If a guy says he can't come visit you because he doesn't have money for gas or there is something wrong with his car, but he doesn't mind you driving to visit him:
   ~ He doesn't want to come see you...

14. If a guy tells you that you can't come visit him because he doesn't have anywhere for you to sleep, even though you tell him you don't mind sharing his bed with him:
   ~ He doesn't want his roommates to know about you or see you sharing a bed with him...

15. If a guy tells you he's too busy with work and homework to hang out with you, yet he frequently tells you about how he hung out with some friends the night before:
   ~ He doesn't want to hang out with you...

16. If a guy points out how good another girl's butt or breasts look to you:
   ~ He's much more attracted to her than he is to you... 

17. If a guy gets mad at you for asking about one of his female friends:
   ~ He's either sleeping with her or wishes he was sleeping with her...

18. If a guy doesn't text you back after giving you his number the night before at a bar, club, or party:
   ~ He wasn't really into you...

19. If a guy asks you for pictures of any kind within the first few hours of texting:
   ~ He only wants nude pics, not a relationship...

20. If a guy tells you he's just getting out of a relationship and/or isn't looking for anything serious right now:
   ~ He just wants to sleep with you and not have to call you after...

21. If a guy tells you that the reason he doesn't like you is anything that he deems "your fault":
   ~ He's just blaming you for the fact he never liked you to begin with...
           *Note this doesn't apply if you cheated on him, killed his cat, got him fired, or anything else that is generally regarded as a deal breaker or illegal.

22. If a guy knows that your friends or family do not approve of him, yet he makes no effort to try to win them over and may even make comments that it doesn't bother him what they think of him:
   ~ He doesn't see this becoming long-term... 

23. If a guy has a passcode on his phone or will not let you touch it:
   ~ He has something to hide which is most-likely nude pics or texts from other girls...

24. If a guy tells you he won't become your Facebook friend or Twitter follower because he hardly ever uses Facebook/Twitter:
   ~ He doesn't want you to see he's actually in a relationship with someone else...

25. If a guy will only hang out with you alone at his house, regardless of how many times you ask to do something else:
   ~ He only sees you as his friend with benefits...

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